Video: Top 10 Weirdest Traditional Dishes Around the World

Exploring the quirky side of global food culture, from the bizarre to the downright stomach-churning. Here are the top 10 weirdest traditional dishes from around the world.

1. Casu Marzu, Italy

Casu Marzu, Italy

A Sardinian cheese that contains live maggots. The cheese fly larvae are supposed to enhance the flavor, but they can jump up to six inches when disturbed.

2. Hákarl, Iceland

Hákarl, Iceland

This traditional Icelandic dish is made from fermented shark. It's often described as having an intense smell of ammonia and a strong fishy flavor.

3. Century Eggs, China

Century Eggs, China

Preserved for several weeks to several months in a mixture of clay, ash, salt, quicklime, and rice hulls, these eggs have a dark green or gray color and a strong, sulfur-like odor.

4. Fugu, Japan

Fugu, Japan

This Japanese pufferfish is extremely poisonous if not prepared correctly. Only licensed chefs are allowed to handle and prepare fugu in Japan.

5. Cuy, Peru

Cuy, Peru

Cuy is a dish made from guinea pigs. The animal is usually roasted whole and served with the head and feet intact.

6. Balut, Philippines

Balut, Philippines

A developing bird embryo that is boiled and eaten from the shell. It is commonly sold as street food in the Philippines.

7. Kopi Luwak, Indonesia

Kopi Luwak, Indonesia

This is the world's most expensive coffee, and it's made from beans digested and excreted by a civet. The digestive process is said to give the coffee a unique flavor.

8. Surströmming, Sweden

Surströmming, Sweden

Surströmming is fermented Baltic Sea herring and is a staple of traditional northern Swedish cuisine. It has a strong, pungent smell and is usually eaten outdoors.

9. Muktuk, Greenland

Muktuk, Greenland

A traditional Inuit meal of frozen whale skin and blubber. It's often eaten raw or pickled.

10. Hormigas Culonas, Colombia

Hormigas Culonas, Colombia

Known as 'Big-Butt Ants', these insects are toasted with a bit of salt and eaten like peanuts. It's a delicacy that's particularly popular in the Santander region.